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David Carr

The Awl
The Awl
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A Tale of Two Media Columnists

Outgoing Times executive editor Bill Keller’s Sunday magazine column (which this week, on the topic of how the potential prosecution of Rupert Murdoch is going to ruin things for the press in the rest of the world, is an appeal to probability inside a false dilemma inside an…

Things That Are Like Self-Cleaning Ovens

“The web is like a self-cleaning oven in that it will correct itself over time.”
 — That is so funny
(and also, in the middle of a very interesting conversation between Times reporter David Carr and Aaron Sorkin), because I’ve never heard anything else compared to a self-cleaning oven.

Janet Malcolm Also Against Jon Stewart

Janet Malcolm comes down Team Carr in the matter of the Rally for Sanity and its odd “blame the media” Palinism: “No doubt it was an accident of organization that required most of the people at the rally to defer their enjoyment of the stage show until they…