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The Awl
The Awl
Be less stupid.
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iPads For Dogs

“A couple of years ago, Anna Jane Grossman read a spoof article on the website The Awl about a teenage girl who was building up her resume for college applications and was struck by one detail; among the descriptions of organic ibex farming and studying Chinese, the high school student was teaching…

iPads Make Kids Not Have So Much Of The Words

“The iPad generation will learn fewer words, experts fear, as using text messages, emails and computers to learn could be stunting children’s vocabulary.”

Anticipated Demise Occurs

The long-expected death of The Daily, the iPad publication of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, has finally come…

Let’s Say the ‘New Yorker’ iPad Publication Makes $58K a Week

The data we’re allowed to have from places like Conde Nast makes it a little difficult to parse, but this helps: “between its eight magazines with tablet editions, the company has 242,000 digital customers.” Good night…