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The Awl
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Pictures Old

For a really great glimpse of a time not too long ago, take a look at these scenes from the London Underground in the 1970s and 80s. You will probably enjoy them more if you don’t consider how everyone in the pictures is either dead now or rapidly approaching that point, so try not to think about it that way.

More (Sort of) Recent History of Riots

We may be recalling the Los Angeles riots of 1992 but others are looking further back. Picture it: 387 AD. “In response to an unwanted tax imposed by the Emperor Theodosius, a mob of citizens and local officials of Antioch tore down painted wooden panels and…

The 11 Most Revolting Things Sam Sifton Ate in London

Times restaurant critic Sam Sifton goes to London and what is there to eat at the hottest places in town? DISHES OF HORROR MOSTLY. A textural nightmare. A heart-stopping pile of Englishisms.