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Meghan Mccain

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Meghan McCain Wants To Be Taken As Seriously As Cheney

Meghan McCain is PISSED OFF: “# Hey Washington Monthly, so it’s only important to speak out for marriage equality if your an old man?”

Meghan McCain: Pro-Gay Marriage, Anti-Twitter

The Colbert Report Mon — Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Meghan McCain colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Gay Marriage

Meghan McCain was on “The Colbert Report” last night, and, you know what? She was kinda…

Meghan McCain Book Deal

24-year-old Meghan McCain received an advance in “the high six figures” from Hyperion for her next book, which is expected to be a collection of photos that explain why your suicidal pet is overweight.

You just be pretty, okay Meg?

Meghan McCain, political pundit: “For all the criticism that the Bush administration came in for, risks were taken (like supporting the Iraq troop surge) that wound up benefiting the GOP in the long run.”