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The Awl
The Awl
Be less stupid.
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New E-Bookstore Has Best FAQ Ever

Hey hey, it’s a book club! And this is how it works. There’s a celeriac metaphor in there for you.

Rookie Rookie Rookie

Rookie began publishing yesterday; it’s a magazine owned by Tavi Gevinson, who is 15 and fun and scary smart. It may be of…

New Internet Now Allows People to Interact on Video

This thing just happened. It’s called VYou. Basically it’s non-live Chatroulette without any dudes masturbating. (Yet.) We are testing it out ourselves to see if it has any practical uses whatsoever. Really though, all I can think when I…

A Non-Porn Website for Men

“Working at Goldman Sachs isn’t inherently unethical; but-”
 -And that’s when I clicked CLOSE TAB on the first article
I randomly selected to read in the new non-profit magazine Good Men Project. However! Other parts of it look somewhat promising, so check it out if you are interested in man issues.