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New York State

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New York Is Sad

New York is the least happy state in the nation, according to some new study. In fact, the Tri-State area takes the bottom three slots on the list. Six of the ten happiest states are in the South. And what of Pennsylvania, thought by some to be our greatest state? A melancholy 41. Cheer up, everyone, it could be worse. Oh, right, it will be.

Albany Pol Found Guilty Of Being Albany Pol

Highly indictable former New York State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno was found guilty on two counts in his corruption trial yesterday. Bruno, who went six-for-eight on the charges, faces up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines for each of the…

No Jail Time For Face-Slashing State Senator

“Sen. Hiram Monserrate has been sentenced to three years of probation and one year of counseling for his misdemeanor conviction of assaulting his girlfriend with a broken glass, reports a Monserrate aide who was in the courtroom to hear the judge’s…

Paterson Finally Wins One

New York State’s highest court has ruled 4–3 that Governor David Paterson was acting within his authority when he appointed Richard Ravitch to the vacant post of lieutenant governor. News of the decision was immediately followed by a call from President Obama telling Lt. Gov Ravitch to resign.