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The Weekly Beast: Doing the Math

The Daily Beast loses something like $200,000 a week. Newsweek loses around $500,000 a week. (Actually more like $538,000 — that’s $28 million a year.) Put the two entities together and you’re losing a million dollars every ten days or so. Sure, there’s some cash incoming…

Meacham Blindsided by ‘Newsweek’ Sale, But Ready to “Try” to Make It Work

Editor Jon Meacham talks to the Observer about the sale of Newsweek: “We have to figure out what journalism is going to be as the old business model collapses all around us. And I want to be — I want to…

Newsweek For Sale, Probably For Less Than Cover Price

“For sale: Perennial runner-up weekly publication in dying media segment. $0 or best offer. Includes funny Tumblr.”