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The median Twitter account has exactly one follower. http://t.co/XlrrwrP2HM pic.twitter.com/cgBw1aOChl
— Jon Bruner (@JonBruner) December 18, 2013
“In comparative terms, almost nobody on Twitter is somebody: the median Twitter account has a single…

The American Non-Recovery: Jobless Nation Still Lacks Jobs

The June unemployment numbers came out this morning and everyone is like, woof, this is horrible. The Department of Labor can’t even make it look all that good in the press release: “The number of persons unemployed for less than…

Educated, Over 45 and Job-Seeking? Lotsa Luck

One person who went through some recent jobs data says that: “the average length of unemployment is always higher for the older cohort (45+) regardless of the level of education; generally the more education an individual has, the higher the average…