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The Awl
The Awl
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Testify, Fetus, Testify!

This witness will clearly be the smartest thing in the room: “A fetus has been scheduled as a legislative witness in Ohio on a unique bill that proposes outlawing abortions after the first heartbeat can be medically detected.” [Via]

Ham Sandwich Used As Assault Weapon

To Ohio, where a man summoned the constabulary on a complaint that “his live-in-girlfriend hit him with a ham sandwich inside their home in the 2600 block of Royalton Road around 7:10 p.m.” Unfortunately, “the man was unable to provide deputies with a full…

Ohio Now Sending Its Death Row Inmates To “A Farm Upstate”

“Ohio says it’s switching its lethal injection drug to an anesthetic commonly used to euthanize pets as a shortage of the drug normally used for executions has worsened. The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction says the…