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The Awl
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Do Not Give Wallabies Ecstasy

Say it with me, everyone: What a world. “Detectives questioned a circus owner today about allegations that a wallaby died after being plied with ecstasy and drink at a birthday disco. The marsupial was let loose among more than 150 revellers dancing at the Clarion Hotel in…

Tom Bosley, 1927–2010

Actor Tom Bosley, best known as Fonzie’s landlord on “Happy Days,” has died at the age of 83. What with the recent passing of June Cleaver are we about to see a wave of television’s parental figures finally face cancellation? Somebody check in on Florence Henderson, see if she’s okay.

“Are You Travelling With Any Porn Today?”

Travelers to Australia need to declare the porn they’re bringing into the country to customs agents. The Prison Island government is actually asking you to declare illegal porn, but as you can imagine, there has been some confusion: “According to the…

“There is no making football safer.”

Football will remain dangerous: “Here’s the reality check to Peter King and all who want their violence safely commodified for Sunday: there is no making football safer. There is no amount of suspensions, fines, or ejections that will change the fundamental nature…

‘Vogue’ Latest to Get on This Tumblr Thing

Good golly, even Vogue has a Tumblr now. Maybe there’ll be cat pictures from the office! We’re still waiting to see if the latest media companies to jump on Tumblr will do anything beyond posting images of their covers and tables of contents. (Don’t take that personally! I meant all of you, not anyone specific!)