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Sonia Sotomayor

The Awl
The Awl
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Sotomayor Hearings Start at 10!

Unemployed, glued to your computer and have a faint sense of civic interest? Here is your C-Span stream to watch Sonia Sotomayor get grilled about how she hates white people. They actually let you choose which camera view you want to watch, which is rather wonderful.

Court Rules For Firefighters In New Haven Case

The Supreme Court has reversed the Second Circuit’s ruling in Ricci v. DeStefano by 5–4, “on ideological lines.” The case, in which a white firefighter claimed discrimination after being denied a promotion, will be at the center of Judge Sonia…

What If Sonia Sotomayor Had A Distended Testicle?

An article in the American Spectator asking the probing question “What If Sotomayor Were White?,” makes some good points! For instance:

Take everything that is known about Sonia Sotomayor and change three factors — her…