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The Awl
The Awl
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This is Russia’s Fifth Major Terrorist Event in a Year

Today’s rather horrific bombing at Domodedovo airport in south Moscow — in the baggage claim, it looks like — is Russia’s first act of terrorism in ten months. (Unless you count the Chechen Parliament attack in October. Or the…

War Against Birds Uglier Than Ever

To quote the inimitable and dulcet Nikki Finke: TOLDJA! The battle between New York City and birds is not going well. Duh. Even while we gas them on the fronts of LaGuardia, they are attacking at JFK. Why is our Boston-bred government denying that we are losing the war on bird terror?

Osama Very Angry With Obama!

You just can’t make some fucking people happy, you know? Now there is a new Osama bin Laden tape where he is all “Obama has thus walked in the footsteps of his predecessor. Let the American people prepare themselves to harvest the consequences of their leadership’s actions.”…