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The Awl
The Awl
Be less stupid.
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What Gets Taught In Texas

While the Texas legislature is currently on track to enact deep cuts to public schools, do not let it be said that the state’s lawmakers are completely against the learning process.

Mexico Keeping The Lights On In Texas

“Mexico’s state electricity company on Wednesday started supplying electricity to Texas, where cold weather and power shortages forced rolling blackouts across the state. Mexico’s Federal Electricity Commission issued a statement saying it ‘was determined to…

Journalists In Texas Packing Heat, Just Like Everyone Else

Things they don’t teach you in journalism school: Reporters in Austin are taking concealed handgun classes so they can use the express lane when they need to enter the Texas Capitol. “The theory, apparently, is that people…

The Chupacabra Is Real, And It’s Hanging Out Texas

Has the dreaded chupacabra-the mysterious goat-sucker of legend-finally been found in Hood County? Yeah, sure, why not. COWER IN FEAR OF THE CHUPACABRA, people!