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The Awl
The Awl
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How Do We Feel About Jackée Being the New Betty White?

The “Ground Zero Mosque” scandal of 2011 isn’t going to be aliens. It’s going to be….

Ok Tweeps, if you’d like to see ME host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, as 1000s of you have referenced & requested via e-mail… trend…

Death From Above, Louisiana Edition

Now dead birds are falling from the skies of Louisiana. I don’t want to go overboard on this, but coming so closely after the mass fish and bird deaths in neighboring Arkansas, I think it’s pretty clear: WE ARE TOTALLY IN END TIMES. Everybody panic.

Pneumonic Plague Ready For A Comeback?

Today in things that might kill you: “Thousands of people have been placed under quarantine in a town in northwest China after a man died of pneumonic plague and 11 others were confirmed infected with the deadly lung infection, health authorities said.”…