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The Awl
The Awl
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Let’s hear it for zombies, the monsters for real Americans: “Zombie enthusiasts are a special subset of horror-movie fan. Many say the monster’s low-tech egalitarianism appeals to them. (Unlike vampires, sometimes portrayed as aloof aristocrats, anyone can be a zombie.) Sometimes called blue-collar monsters…

How To Survive The Coming Zombie Menace

Via Wired, here’s the abstract of “When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modelling Of An Outbreak Of Zombie Infection,” a study included in Nova Science Publishers’ 2009 title Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress (also known as IDMRP among aficionados…

Sexy Virus Will Turn Your iPhone Into Zombie

Uh oh:

For the first time criminal hackers may have succeeded in creating a network of ‘zombie’ cellphones, infected without the owners’ knowledge with software that can be used to send spam or carry out cyber attacks…