What if the Mail Service Was Some Hot New Startup?

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2011

“So, like, we need to send something important to someone somewhere else so you’re saying we just, uhh, leave it in a box by the street? And we’re just to trust somebody to come get it and make sure it gets to the right person?” That is an excellent point. Man, we would be on Quora mocking the heck out of that business model. And then? Our theorist goes on: “I think if mail were to be invented today, too many people would be a little bit too curious about how they could manipulate it and they would go online and join forums to discuss it and they would wind up creating this whole ecosystem of weirdos who are interested in screwing with the mail, feeding off each other and stewing in their own obsession until their sick little games are somehow legitimated by society to enough of a degree to validate it as something people are ‘born with,’ like furries and those guys who fuck pillows with faces stitched into them.”

