Which Book Published Today Should You Buy?

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2013

So many books. So little time. Every day just brings more! Here’s a handy guide to help you choose which new books today you should buy. All of these books are available at your local independent bookseller, including fine establishments like McNally Jackson! Or anywhere else you might care to buy books! Let’s begin….

Can we interest you in a reported history of the colonialist construction of the “Middle East” that paved the road to endless instability and death?

Pamela Erens’ latest is a tale of two misfits at a fancy boarding school in 1979. The “heiress apparent” to James Salter, goes a blurb! This book sounds really beautiful.

A sexy, spicy history of America’s schmanciest publishing house, where everyone did everyone while publishing some of the great books of our time?

“Peyton Lockhart and her sisters have inherited Bishop’s Cove, a small, luxurious oceanfront resort, but it comes with a condition: The girls must run the resort for one year and show a profit — only then will they own it.”

Could you use more ways to become more emaciated whilst pretending to care about yourself?

Rob Sheffield’s latest sounds great: A semi-sequel of a memoir, about Learning To Love Again and also how to embarrass yourself by singing karaoke.

The Hypothetical Girl is a collection of wonderfully written stories that are about the age-old desires for love, for recognition, for happiness but told through the thoroughly contemporary world of online dating.”

The sordid tale of a doped-up President, his wife, and the confessions of his affairs!

The ultimate biography of 23-year-old Robert Griffin III, of the Washington Redskins, by a very good writer?

Jeff Bezos’s chief correspondent in D.C. reminds us of the election wherein we all held hands and agreed to forget. Do you want to go back to that particular island?

Do you perhaps need a llama to help your child combat bullying?

The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book. (What.)

Picture it: October, 1990. A fellow goes to Prague. Life and love and friendship and complication ensue. “A sparkling first novel by the literary critic Caleb Crain about youth, ambition, and self-invention in early-90s Prague,” says Harper’s Bazaar “A compelling and heartfelt story that captures both the boundless enthusiasm and naïveté of youth,” says Booklist!

In my high school, there were almost 4000 students and four different lunch cafeterias. One was for the jocks. One was for the freshmen. One was for the eggheads. Then there was a cafeteria that was for all the rest of us: freaks, rejects, burnouts, immigrants and homos. If you somehow haven’t found a book yet above, this one’s for everyone that’s left over.

