Works of Micro-Fiction, Based On the Madewell Spring Lookbook

The Awl
The Awl
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2016

by Dayna Evans


Lauren turns to face Nathan.

“Would you call this a blanket or a scarf?”

Nathan replies, “My heart is too weak to handle another day in this relationship.” Before crossing the threshold of their Nantucket summer home to leave her, he adds, “Oh, and it’s clearly a scarf, you shallow twit.”


On the back of Madison’s iPhone 6S case, she had plastered an important sticker that read, “Not all who wander are lost.” At the Whole Foods in Gowanus, a store clerk mistook her for a baby and asked if she was missing her mother. Madison, without cause or warning, wet herself.


“I’m a jaunty explorer!” Carmen shouted. “Let’s go find some rare treasures!”

The patrons pumping gas at the suburban Long Island gas station looked at each other nervously.


When she was young, Tilly had vivid daydreams of nothing but wild gardens full of azaleas and chrysanthemums and daisies so tall they’d knock you over with their sweet fragrance.

Last night, at her railroad apartment in Ditmas Park that she shares with an aging great-aunt, Tilly had an assplay sex dream about Bart Simpson.


“Jorge, I painted this wall.”

“Anna, I’m glad you did. It looks beautiful.”

“Thank you, I am an artist.”

They scroll through Twitter on separate phones.

“Modern life bores me. Let’s elope.” Anna says without looking up at Jorge.

“But I just ordered Seamless? From the good sushi place?”

She faves a tweet and sighs.


Wistful Evelyn left her small town to make a life for herself somewhere more exciting.

“Bright lights, big city” she mouthed as her plane landed at the Cleveland airport, a twinkle still gleaming in her eye.


“I don’t let labels define me,” Genevieve explained to her younger sister, Celeste. “So you shouldn’t either.” Celeste had just returned from her first trip to Barcelona, where she’d dined on nothing but jamón and paella and Spanish dong.

“Uh, Genevieve,” she replied. “I hate to be a bitch, but what the fuck are you wearing?”


I am woman. Here me roar.
Spelunking is my passion. Leather slides are my shoe of choice.
Who here wants kombucha?
I brought some.
It’s homemade.

Previously: Several Works of Micro-Fiction Based On the Madewell Fall Lookbook

All photos from the Madewell Spring 2016 Lookbook

