Yumi Zouma, “Champagne Supernova”

Let it snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow.

Alex Balk
The Awl
1 min readMar 13, 2017


Yeah, look, we’re all tired, it’s not just you. Everyone’s a little glassy-eyed today because of the thing with the clocks, and also the sheer insanity of the last four months. But mostly the clocks. By the end of the week we’ll all be used to it, unless — and this is a lot to hope for, but hope is the one thing we have left to us after all the horror — the snow starts falling and never stops, crushing us against its frigid bosom until we finally expire in some beautiful, frigid release. Again, the odds aren’t great, but if there’s anything 2016 taught us it’s that who can even tell what the fuck is going to happen ever anymore, but usually it’s whatever the most unbelievable option is. So you never know. Let’s start the morning with Yumi Zouma’s cover of the Oasis classic “Champagne Supernova,” from their full-album interpretation of (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? Enjoy.

