How to Conduct an Inclusive Content Audit for Your Website

Brittney Ball
The <B> Word
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2023

In today’s world, inclusivity is becoming increasingly important in all areas of life, including online content. As the internet continues to be a vital tool for communication, education, and commerce, it’s crucial that websites strive to create content that is accessible, diverse, and representative of all people. Conducting an inclusive content audit is an essential step in ensuring that your website’s content aligns with these values. In this article, I’ll explore the detailed steps you can take to conduct an inclusive content audit for your website and make sure that your content is inclusive and welcoming to all.

Inclusivity in online content is becoming increasingly important as society continues to recognize and address issues of discrimination and bias. As a result, many websites are taking steps to ensure that their content is inclusive and representative of all people. An inclusive content audit is one such step that website owners can take to ensure that their content is accessible and welcoming to a wide range of audiences. By conducting a content audit, website owners can identify areas where their content falls short of inclusivity standards and take steps to improve it.

Conducting an inclusive content audit involves a thorough review of all the content on a website, including text, images, videos, and other media. The audit evaluates the content against established criteria for inclusivity, such as accessibility, diversity, and representation. Through this evaluation process, website owners can identify areas where their content could be improved and develop an action plan for addressing these issues. By conducting an inclusive content audit, website owners can ensure that their content is aligned with their values and mission, and create a more welcoming and inclusive online community.

Now that we understand the importance of conducting an inclusive content audit for your website, let’s dive into the specific steps you can take to do so. Before starting, it’s important to define the goals and scope of your audit and identify the criteria for inclusivity that you’ll be using to evaluate the content. With these foundational pieces in place, you can begin the process of gathering data and evaluating your content for inclusivity.

Step 1: Define the goals and scope of the audit.
Before starting the audit, it’s important to define the goals and scope of the audit. What is the purpose of the audit? What do you want to achieve? What aspects of inclusivity do you want to focus on? Make sure you clearly define the scope of the audit, including which pages or sections of the website you’ll be auditing, and what types of content you’ll be reviewing.

Step 2: Identify the criteria for inclusivity.
Identify the criteria for inclusivity that you’ll be using to evaluate the content. This might include things like accessibility, diversity, and representation. Consider using established guidelines or standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) standards.

Step 3: Gather data on the existing content.
Collect data on the existing content on the website. This might include things like page titles, URLs, metadata, and content types. You may also want to gather data on the audience demographics, user behavior, and user feedback.

Step 4: Evaluate the content against the criteria.
Review each piece of content on the website against the criteria you’ve identified for inclusivity. For example, if you’re evaluating for accessibility, you might check that the website is easy to navigate, that images have alternative text, and that there are captions for videos. If you’re evaluating for diversity and representation, you might check that there is a range of perspectives and experiences represented in the content.

Step 5: Identify areas for improvement.
Once you’ve evaluated the content, identify areas for improvement. Make a list of the issues you’ve found, and prioritize them based on the impact they have on inclusivity and the feasibility of addressing them. Consider both short-term fixes and long-term solutions.

Step 6: Develop an action plan.
Develop an action plan for addressing the areas for improvement. This might involve updating or creating new content, improving the website’s design and functionality, or changing the website’s policies and procedures. Make sure to assign responsibility for each task and set timelines for completion.

Step 7: Implement and monitor the changes.
Implement the changes outlined in the action plan and monitor the impact on inclusivity. Collect feedback from users and track metrics such as page views and engagement to measure the effectiveness of the changes. Make adjustments as needed to continue improving inclusivity on the website.

By following the detailed steps outlined above, you can conduct an inclusive content audit for your website and ensure that your content is accessible, diverse, and representative of a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

