The world’s most beautiful trees

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Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2022


by Béatrice Bernard-Poulin


Have you ever taken the time to admire, really admire, nature? It’s during times like these that we realize we take a lot of things for granted, including the beauty of what surrounds us. Until we can travel again, here are 20 stunning photos of trees to make you feel like you’re outside enjoying nature, without leaving your couch.



Maybe you’ve seen a photo of a wisteria tree online and thought, “Photoshop! There’s no way a tree can be that colourful!” But no, it really exists. The wisteria has beautiful draping purple (or blue) flowers that usually flower around springtime.

This photo was taken at Exbury Gardens in England.

Japanese maple


Is there anything as beautiful as orange, red, yellow, and green fall foliage? The Japanese maple combines the beauty of coloured leaves with what looks like a dancing trunk, full of movement.

Cherry blossom


Cherry blossoms are a fantastic spring treat in many regions of the world, from Japan to the United States. As its name states, the cherry blossom is a fruit tree, but it is at its most beautiful during the flowering season, when it is full of light pink and white blossoms.

This photo was taken in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Angel Oak


South Carolina’s Angel Oak is famous around the world, with good reason. It’s a Southern live oak located on Johns Island, near Charleston. It features stunning spiderweb branches that go in all directions, making it a popular shaded picnic spot with locals.

Delonix regia


The Delonix regia, or flamboyant tree as it is more commonly known, features fire-red blooms. It grows in different regions of the world and is endemic to Madagascar.

This photo was taken at Cap Malheureux, Mauritius.

Dracaena cinnabari


The Dracaena cinnabari is more commonly known as the Socotra dragon tree, as it is native to Socotra Island in Yemen. It is also sometimes referred to as the dragon blood tree because it has a dark crimson resin.

Wanaka Tree


“That Wanaka Tree” became famous because of social media and was recently the victim of vandalism when someone cut off one of its branches. The tree is semi-submerged and stands alone at the southern tip of Lake Wanaka, in New Zealand.

Eucalyptus deglupta


Eucalyptus deglupta, or rainbow eucalyptus, is a stunning tree with a bark featuring a kaleidoscope of reds, greens, blues, and oranges.

This photo was taken in Maui, Hawaii.



Another stunning blue and purple-flowered tree, the jacaranda grows in many different areas around the world, from Asia to North America. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Latin America and the Caribbean.

This photo was taken in Pretoria, South Africa.

Adansonia grandidieri


There are many different species of baobabs. The one we usually think of when we hear the name is the Grandidier’s baobab, or Adansonia grandidieri. They have thick cylindrical trunks topped with short branches and a flat-leaf crown.

This photo was taken in Madagascar.

The Dark Hedges


The old beech trees themselves are beautiful, but it’s the row of trees that makes for such a unique spectacle. Northern Ireland’s Dark Hedges became even more famous in recent years thanks to Game of Thrones, in which they represent the Kingsroad. They have even become one of the most photographed places in the whole country!

Bristlecone pine


You can tell just by looking at them that the bristlecone pines are a resilient type. They are said to be some of the oldest trees in the world. They grow in the western United States.

This photo was taken in Inyo National Forest, California.



Sequoia trees are famous for their immense grandeur. They are among the tallest trees in the world, and the biggest is said to be General Sherman, located in Sequoia National Park, California. It stands 84 metres (275 feet) tall and has a 31-metre (102-foot) circumference.

Trees of Dead Vlei


This picture doesn’t appear to be real, but it is. These skeleton trees are dead, and their trunks are now black, burned from the sun. They cannot decompose because the region, in the Namib Desert, is so dry. With the orange sand dunes in the background, it makes for quite a unique view.



The banyan, a fig tree, is easily identifiable thanks to far-reaching branches that create an almost spiderweb-like effect. It is India’s national tree.

This photo was taken in Hawaii.

Couroupita guianensis


The Couroupita guianensis is more commonly known as the cannonball tree for obvious reasons: it features fruit in wooden shells that look exactly like cannonballs. It also produces beautiful and fragrant flowers.

It is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America.



The bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world, making it a popular choice for eco-friendly building materials. The tree by itself might seem plain, but there is something truly bewildering about a bamboo forest, which grows quite tall and can create a wall-like passageway. Just look at this picture for an example!

Taxodium distichum


The Taxodium distichum, or bald cypress, is native to the southeastern United States. It often grows right out of a lake, making for an eerie view. Caddo Lake, on the border of Louisiana and Texas, features the largest cypress forest in the world.

That is where this photo was taken.

Acacia dealbata


There are different trees that are known by the name “mimosa” — the one pictured here is Acacia dealbata, or silver wattle, a tree native to Australia. It features beautiful yellow flowers.



Magnolias are beautiful flower trees that bloom during spring. They produce large, bowl-shaped or star-shaped flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, green, or yellow.

This photo was taken in Washington, D.C.

