3 Controversial Pet Opinions

Some important pet ownership facts that should not be argued over

Xennariel Revenlyr
The Bad Influence


Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

Being a pet owner is harder than you might think. It’s more than picking out a pet, cleaning up after it, and feeding it.

Pets are living, feeling things. They require the same amount of love and attention you would give a child.

There are several things people think are normal or okay to do as an owner of a specific kind of animal. I’m here to tell you that some of those things are bad and wrong. Just because a lot of people do something doesn’t make it right.

Cats should be indoor-only pets

Did you know that your cute “outdoor cat” is a murderer and an invasive species? They kill, most often for no reason. Birds, rodents, lizards, and other creatures that are vital to the local ecosystem in your city or suburban neighborhood are all victims of your cat’s boredom.

Besides, why would you spend the money to buy a cat, feed it, and care for it, only to leave it outside all the time where you rarely see it? Not to mention that it could be hit by a car or be killed by any one of numerous dangerous things outside your home.

Keep your cats inside your house. I’m sick of seeing cat poop in my yard. My dogs eat it and it’s…



Xennariel Revenlyr
The Bad Influence

Gamer, wannabe artist, dog mom, and fantasy genre enthusiast. My dogs Zephyr and Maverick are my world. Consider supporting my work: https://ko-fi.com/xennariel