5 Benefits of Wearing a Face Mask: Beyond the Obvious One of Saving Lives

Of course, wear a mask to prevent the spread of a contagious disease, but you may not have thought of these other amazing benefits

Jennifer Geer
The Bad Influence
6 min readMay 6, 2020


Photo by Bára Buri on Unsplash

I’ve heard some odd ideas about face masks recently. In America, we seem to be politicizing them. As we have done to everything ever since a certain orange and bellowing leader came to power and began pitting us against each other in a horrible, real-life version of “The Apprentice.” Now here we are, trapped in a surreal world of reality tv that we didn’t sign up for and we can’t get out of.

The real reason to wear face masks

But wearing face masks shouldn’t be political. It’s science. The purpose is to help stop the spread of a horribly contagious virus. It’s recommended by the CDC.

It’s also a kindness to your fellow citizens to wear one. It stops you from breathing droplets of Covid-19 into the air. And yes, you can be shedding the virus without even knowing it. It’s how this thing is spreading so quickly. Don’t take my word for it, this is what actual scientists say. Yet still, it seems tough for some Americans to accept the idea of wearing a face mask.

Why are some balking at wearing face masks?

Covering your face helps prevent the spread of disease. There is a very small minority with medical issues who can’t safely wear masks, but that’s not what this is about. I’m talking about perfectly healthy adults that have decided against wearing a mask in public despite expert advice.

Yes, for some Americans, the stubborn American spirit remains stubbornly against wearing a face covering. The exact reasons remain unclear. Perhaps it’s the rebellious nature of the American nation, railing against being told what to do. Above all things, Americans do not like being told what to do.

Or perhaps it’s as simple as vanity, or the discomfort of having your face covered. Perhaps it’s a deep distrust of science, doctors, and educated experts, a most strange and disastrous narrative being led by the current president. It most surely has something to do with the confusing messages coming from our leaders. Neither the president nor the vice-president seems to feel it’s necessary for them to wear a face mask. (After all, they are so special.)

If Trump cared about his followers, he’d have cloth face masks printed in red, white, and blue emblazoned with a bold MAGA sign across them. He’d let himself be photographed in his MAGA masks, signaling to all his overzealous followers by leading by example. But that’s not the leader we have. We have a guy that suggests during press briefings that injecting bleach into our veins and finding ways to get UV lights inside our bodies might be a great idea. So…well…there you go. Not much more to be said about that.

Whatever the reason, wearing face masks in public to stop disease and protect our fellow citizens has turned into a thing in America.

5 fun reasons to wear your face mask

Bottom line is, you’re saving lives. But some people don’t seem to be motivated by that. So here are five ideas to get everyone on board with wearing that face-covering pronto.

#5: You can skip the makeup or the shave

So you don’t feel like shaving today. You’re growing your pandemic David Letterman beard and you’ve thrown your razors out the window. There’s no reason to fret over your straggly beginner’s beard growth, as nobody will ever know what’s going on underneath that mask.

And for those of us that regularly wear makeup, we can now skip almost all of it. No need for lipstick, blush, or face powder. You can save all of your efforts for your eyes. Go overtime on the eyes, it’s all anyone will see anyway. Think of the money you will save from your usual Sephora bills.

Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

#4: They come in cool fashions

In the beginning, face masks of any kind were hard to come by. I recall one day in March when I felt panic and began disastrously cutting up old t-shirts and attempting to make my own homemade masks fastened with hair ties. I didn’t get very far. Apparently, you need fabric shears for cutting fabric. Who knew.

But now my troubles are over, you can get cloth masks from a variety of places. And in all different styles. Solid colors, fun patterns, pastels, glow-in-the-dark, whatever you like, there’s a face mask out there to match.

Disney is even selling Baby Yoda face masks and the profits benefit the charity, MedShare. You can’t go wrong with Baby Yoda.

Image credit: The Mandalorian, Lucasfilm, Disney.com

#3: Have a pimple outbreak? Who cares, nobody can see it

Covering your face will efficiently and effectively cover up any and every skin issue that you may have. No need to spend time covering up a pimple outbreak with makeup. No more need to pile on heavy coverup to hide it. Nor do you need to be embarrassed about a cold sore erupting on your lip. Nobody will see a thing.

Perhaps you’ve moved beyond the pimple stage and want to hide your laugh lines or other wrinkles on your face. No problem, cover it up, nobody can see it now.

#2: You will look intelligent

At least quite a bit more intelligent than Vice-President Mike Pence parading around naked-faced in the Mayo Clinic. Of course, you’ve seen the images of the leader of the American coronavirus task force in full sight of doctors and patients, all of whom were wearing masks.

And more intelligent than Trump touring the Honeywell plant that makes N95 masks. All the employees were wearing masks. A sign stated masks were required. But did Trump wear his mask? No, Trump did not wear his mask.

You’ll also look a far cry more intelligent than the non-mask wearing angry protesters screaming, yelling, and holding up Nazi signs in the guise of personal freedom. Not that they care that most of us would like to have personal freedom not to catch Covid-19. No social distancing or face masks to be seen in that crowd. Also no signs of intelligence.

#1: Nobody will see if you’re making faces under there

And the number one fun reason to wear your face mask is that you get to make faces underneath it that nobody can see. Did you run into someone you don’t like? Hear someone say something that irritates you? No need for fake smiles. No need for false politeness. Feel free to frown, grimace, stick your tongue out, whatever makes you happy. All anyone can see are your eyes. Nobody will ever guess at your displeasure underneath that mask.

And if those reasons can’t convince you, let the experts do it. We don’t know how much longer this pandemic will continue. Globally, things are bad. Here in America, they’re even worse. America’s cases keep going up, up, and up. How can the numbers not rise with the confusing patchwork of responses and varying regulations throughout the country?

With a vaccine still nowhere in sight and anti-viral drugs in the preliminary testing phases, we’re in it for the long haul. If we ever want to leave the house again, we’d better all get used to wearing our face coverings with pride.

If you must leave your house for essentials or work, don that beautiful face covering before you head on out.

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash



Jennifer Geer
The Bad Influence

Writer, blogger, mom, owner of pugs, wellness enthusiast, and true crime obsessed.