A Reasonable Response to the Dark Black Hole That Is The Broken Abyss of The Hiring Process

All options are exhausted. It’s time to go nuclear

Mark Scofield
The Bad Influence


Photo by Luke Jernejcic on Unsplash

I reached a point of desperation in my job hunt where I have started to do what should be unthinkable:

I lied my ass off on my resume.

About everything. I completely rewrote it, making a completely false work and education history.

I have access to a couple of services that will scan your resume and then match it with the job description giving a score. No matter what I did, I could not get to a 100% total match. Even copying and pasting job descriptions word for word, giving myself the exact number of years experience the employer was looking for, using the exact same job title, including every form of their most important key words as their arbitrary demands require: [collaborate, collaboration, collaborated, collaborative, collaborates, collaborating; you know, the important job details], the best match I could achieve was a score in the low 90%’s.

But even that was way above and beyond the percentage match that I usually get when applying for a job that I have done for nearly 15 years. Using my standard template resume I usually will score between 50 to 60%.



Mark Scofield
The Bad Influence

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.