America is Starting to Resemble Nazi Germany

Is America leading us into a third world war?

Liam M
The Bad Influence


Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

America is slowly becoming a blood orgy of white love, guns and violence, and it almost resembles Germany in 1933.

Many Americans have been losing it over this tweet, making it apparent that the education system in America is broken.

“You had Hitler, be quiet”

Sidney only mentioned how fucking weird it is for Europeans to see a teenager walking around with a fucking assault rifle. In response, he’s mainly received comments about Hitler and the Nazi regime, which is funny as America is slowly starting to resemble Germany in 1933. I imagine the majority of people defending Kyle are white supremacists or closet Nazis. Clearly leaning heavily right with a love for guns, god and freedom, oh, and of course Trump. America has people such as Richard B. Spencer, the neo-nazi who advocates and supports white supremacy. With white supremacist rallies such as the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, protestors openly waved the Nazi and…



Liam M
The Bad Influence

I grew up as a black bag, but now I identify as human. Top writer in; cryptocurrency, finance, sobriety, addiction, & bitcoin