Anti Vaxxers Should Waive Their Right to Health Care

In the 1980s, protestors thought laws requiring the use of a seat belt were an infringement of individual liberty.

Liam M
The Bad Influence


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Protestors have been shouting and screaming similar words throughout the world.

It’s as if 2020 were an echo chamber from the 1980s. These people believe their rights are being taken from them. If you change a couple of words, you’re left with anti-vaxxers’ favourite catchphrase.

“You can’t force us to get the vaccine, you can’t take our freedom.”

In 2021, people are still being admitted into hospitals with COVID and still refusing to believe that COVID is real. These people are putting themselves and the general population at risk. They should be stopped in their tracks and be refused healthcare.

Wolfram Henn, a German doctor said;

“I want to leave the protection against the disease to others! I want, if I get sick, to leave my intensive care bed and ventilator to others.”

With numbers still climbing worldwide, hospitals are having trouble accommodating all the infected people. This strain could be reduced by refusing care for anti-vaxxers. It may seem a little extreme. But remember, the anti-vaxxers are taking…



Liam M
The Bad Influence

I grew up as a black bag, but now I identify as human. Top writer in; cryptocurrency, finance, sobriety, addiction, & bitcoin