Are We Any Closer to Closure? I Think Not!

Thrifty Words Theme Challenge #18: Closure

Stephen Dalton
The Bad Influence
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2020


The Lincoln Memorial and the inscription, “In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union…”
Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash

“Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are…”

Now, four score times a thousand, and another score after the birth of Christ, we haven’t figured out what equality looks like.

If you believe we have, read my article, White Privilege Is Not an Insult.

Here’s this week’s thrifty words theme.

Here is my friend, Kim McKinney’s answer to this prompt.



Stephen Dalton
The Bad Influence

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!