100 Words

Authority Always Wins

100 Word Challenge #46: Civil Disobedience

Alma Meek
The Bad Influence


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In 2001, I saw uncivil vigilantes prepared to enforce any US government mandate through the means of intimidation and citizen arrests.

In 2021, I saw uncivil vigilantes shit in The Capitol Building while their friends built a gallows for a vice-president that had been elected by them, with foreign assistance, only four years earlier.

After witnessing the tackiest insurrection in history, I still kneel with patriotic pride during my nation’s national anthem.

My nation’s current disobedient inhabitants are not civil and my nation’s currently civil inhabitants are not always obedient.

Authority is going to win, but by what means?

Thank you, The Bad Influence and Marla Bishop for the prompt!

