Breaking New Ground

Let’s welcome in 2024

Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence
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2 min readJan 4, 2024


Photo by Tim Zänkert on Unsplash

New Year’s Eve in London is such fun. Many Londoners love to go down to the river Thames and watch the firework extravaganza at midnight. To get up real close you need to buy a ticket — 150,000 available in nine zones. This year I got lucky and bagged a spot on the accessible walkway which was much less inhabited than the bigger bridges. Plus, it was right opposite the Houses of Parliament — really cool.

New’s Year’s Eve by River Thames / photo by author

Loads of people who couldn’t get tickets still showed up — it’s estimated at least half a million revellers were there on the night. It certainly felt like that when we were fighting through the crowds to get home.

So is it really worth it? Braving the crowds and the crush to watch an amazing display of fireworks for 12 minutes? Personally I think so.
The fact is — the best things in life are not free — most times we have to exert a little time, money and energy to experience the funnest things of all. BTW, the cost of blowing up that many fireworks was an eye-watering £3 million.

Given the chance to watch the fireworks in real life or on TV, I‘ll choose being…



Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: