Childhood in a cold strange land

Eliel Cruz
The Bad Influence
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2020


Migrant child in Juarez asking for a blanket

The north border city of Juarez,on Mexico is a worldwide known place by its terrible stories about thousands of murders and unsolving crimes that marked it as the “most dangerous city on the world” and in recent times a place were thousands of refugees and migrants are trying to reach the “American dream”. This fact has given a lot of raw, sad and polemic stories that involves politics, climate, economy and humanitarian crisis that affects the whole population. But there are a little (in age, not in quantity) population that is way more affected by this crisis: the children.

In Juarez, the winter has arrived by almost a moth ago, but the cold temperatures have been here since October 2019.
In this region, the autum weather gives temperatures between the 10 - 20°C (45 - 75°F approx) that are warm if it compares to northern temperatures. But all the refugees and migrants comes from tropical places were the typical temperatures are between 25 - 35°C (80 - 95°F approx).
The families lived on improvised tents, the kids play in the street, tried to keep warm with ball games, run and something like that. But at December, when the winter comes in, the temperatures down to reach - 10°C (25°F). The winds blows, the snow falls and the life of those people puts in danger. The children never understand why they leave them homes and stay in a place like that, why they suffer the cruel weather. They only want to play, only want to live a normal life, a life were the food, the recreation and the security were guaranteed.
This situation still on the city, perhaps all the international comotion, the little eyes keep looking to the future, waiting for a better life opportunity.



Eliel Cruz
The Bad Influence

Engineer, MD. and Entrepreneur. Volunteer for the refugee crisis in Juarez city, Mexico.