Confucius Say: When Man’s Penis Hard…

And other outstanding advice my mother gave me

Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence
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3 min readMar 3, 2024


Photo by Janaya Dasiuk on Unsplash

My old dear is no longer with us, but her wisdom lives on in me. That’s because there are many things she told me repeatedly — which are now hardwired into my brain.

All too often asking my mother her opinion resulted in a parable or a saying. Honestly, she had a saying for everything.

For example, if you shared wasn’t it odd that cousin Thomas looked much more like uncle Fredrick than he did his father, uncle Darren, she was apt to reply, Cat can’t make dog. If you pushed for further information she would explain that the way genetics works is that people tend to look and act like their parents.

Getting a straight answer was like pulling teeth. One parable oft shared was of the woman walking home from market laden down with shopping. She hears a horse approaching and stops the rider to ask if they might carry her wares a little way down the road to give her some respite.

The rider politely declines and rides on. But shortly afterwards has a thought. What if there’s something valuable or just delicious in those baskets? So stops and waits for the woman to catch up. When she does, the rider says, “You know auntie I spoke too hastily, for God has told me I must…



Marla Bishop
The Bad Influence

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: