100 Words

Do I Do, Or Do I Don’t?

Thrifty Words 100 #4: Internal Struggle

Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

Last week I asked you to think about satisfaction. What does and doesn’t satisfy you.

This week I’m thinking of internal struggle.

I’ve been struggling with several things this year. Do I continue working on my book even though it is causing emotional dissonance? Do I actively look for employment even though I stopped working outside the home for mental health reasons? Do I drink that wine? Eat that cake? Do I feel better in the moment or strive for the long game?

I’ve also been struggling internally with this particular theme challenge. The 100 words challenge isn’t getting much traction. I’m not sure whether I want to continue wracking my brain to come up with challenges if so few people are interested. I’ve gone back and forth recently. Do I do, or Do I don’t?

I feel I’ve made a commitment to you, dear writers. I hate breaking commitments. I feel guilty. Guilt is a heavy emotion. So heavy that it answers the question, “Do I do, or do I don’t?” with a resounding DO!

So, without further ado, your 100 word theme challenge:

What types of internal struggles do you face? Are you stuck in a toxic relationship and struggling to find a way out? Do you…



Jonica Bradley (Am I paranoid or RU following me?)
The Bad Influence

Writer/Painter/Poet/Believes in magic/nature/prays to unicorns/goat expert/bee farmer/mental health advocate/C-PTSD/human rights advocate/coolest person ever