Essay Contest


Incite Change Essay Contest #3: Freedom

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Enter the TBI $100 Essay contest. DEADLINE: Friday 9th July

There are many kinds of freedom. I live in the United States which purports to have Freedom. Freedom of speech. Freedom to practice religion. Political freedom. Educational freedom. Granted, the freedoms offered by my country are far greater than in some countries. But, they aren’t really freedoms. There are restrictions on almost every freedom offered here.

The freedom that I think of most is the one I am most lacking.

In the U.S. there is the 1% (the wealthiest people) and the 99% (the rest of us). They say the middle class is disappearing. I, personally, have lived below the poverty line most of my life. I am fortunate in that I know how to survive.

Even now, living on 30 acres with livestock and a kitchen garden, my combined household income is well below the poverty line. My state’s minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. In the small town outside of which I live, available jobs all start at minimum wage. Some jobs never pay more than the minimum.

My husband works at a chain hardware store, part-time (because the store does not support income for more than one…



Jonica Bradley (Am I paranoid or RU following me?)
The Bad Influence

Writer/Painter/Poet/Believes in magic/nature/prays to unicorns/goat expert/bee farmer/mental health advocate/C-PTSD/human rights advocate/coolest person ever