Getting Published Doesn’t Mean Shit

Don’t buy into the lie

The Bad Influence


Photo from the Author

In the past six months of writing on Medium, I have been noticing specific trends regarding my pieces. I feel as if I have it down to a rough science as far as how to get curated. I am relatively confident in what the curators want to see. If it’s something personal, relevant, easily digestible for the consumer, a subject that is not too heavy, generally positive or motivational, well-written, has no swearing in it, and is about something that a lot of people may read, then there’s a good chance it will get curated. However, I could also be way off. That has just been my own experience.

Learning Curve

I have found myself sacrificing some of my authenticity in some of my pieces in order to get published and curated. I was afraid this might happen as I began to write and get positive feedback. I was one of the people that used to write personal things and kept them only to myself. Then I decided to take the plunge and open my mind up for the world to read. It truly has only really been beneficial for me this far. Yet, I am still doing my best to stay centered and grounded throughout this entire experience.

The majority of my pieces have been published, and while that may sound cool, I promise you it isn’t. There have been plenty of times when one of my articles…



The Bad Influence

Therapist/Client | Social Justice | Activism | Mental Health | Self-Discovery | Poetry | Editor of Authentic Diamonds.