Photograph by author SAM 2015 — Horsmonden, Kent, UK

100 words


Thrifty Words 100 #86: Gratitude

Sally A Mortemore
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2022


other than the universe i bow towards a gratitude which
births from deep-sincerity. two hands clasped. in hopes
of finding peace within this brash-cacophony
of noise and disillusion

but then i feel one downward-curve of introspection.
a selfish-act. disquietingly-strung about my throat in
ropes of fear. for that which is my singularity. not of
solitude. which offers peace. the former more an
overt-feeling of despair and loss.

so instead I turn my head again in thankfulness. despite
the lack of any human-love. a passion which alludes and
causes grief. this gratitude a struggle. when winter-nights
descend. these evenings ever longer.

©2022 Sally A Mortemore — All rights reserved**

