Gurgle Zouse!!

Making it up as I go along

The Spanish Inquisition
The Bad Influence
3 min readJan 12, 2024


Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

Ah, aging — the only club that everybody joins but nobody really wants to be a part of. It’s like a VIP party where the bouncer is Father Time, and he doesn’t care if you’re on the list. Here’s a light-hearted glimpse at the rollercoaster ride of growing older, where the only requirement is a good sense of humor and perhaps a pair of bifocals.

Welcome to the digital age, where the older generation faces their nemesis: technology. Smartphones are like Rubik’s cubes, but less fun and more confusing. Watching someone over 50 try to take a selfie is like observing a scientist decipher an ancient artifact. And let’s not forget the emoji misunderstandings — “No, Grandma, the eggplant is not for grocery shopping.”

Then there’s social media, where accidentally going live is a rite of passage. It’s a world where ‘swipe right’ might mean you’ve just erased half your contacts, and ‘cloud storage’ sounds like a weather phenomenon or a futuristic attic.

As we age, our fashion sense undergoes a transformation — often from chic to shriek. Suddenly, the allure of comfort trumps the latest trends. The wardrobe becomes a time capsule, where clothes from the ’80s coexist with modern bargains. Shoes are chosen based on how well they support a bad back, not how good they look. Socks with sandals? A fashion statement only the brave and the elderly can make.

Reading glasses become a must-have accessory, mysteriously multiplying and found in every room. It’s less about making a statement and more about asking, “Does this come with an elastic waistband?”

Gone are the days of all-nighters and waking up fresh as a daisy. Now, staying up past 10 PM is a feat worthy of a medal, and a wild night often means finding a new show to binge-watch. Social life evolves from bar-hopping to tea-sipping, and the biggest decision is whether to go for herbal or decaf. Suddenly, you’re more interested in the weather forecast than the latest celebrity scandal.

Your once-crammed social calendar now has appointments with the couch, and you start telling stories with, “When I was your age…” Welcome to the new ‘rock and roll’ lifestyle — quiet, calm, and comfortably predictable.

There’s a certain age when “back in my day” becomes a mantra. This is where every story starts with a struggle uphill, both ways, in a snowstorm. The youth are regaled with tales of life before the internet, where research meant a trip to the library and ‘social networking’ was shouting across the street.

The past becomes a mystical realm, where everyone walked miles to school, televisions were luxury items, and phones were attached to walls. It’s a time remembered for its simplicity and strength, often conveniently forgetting the lack of Wi-Fi and on-demand streaming.

Growing older might mean more grumbles and fewer late nights, but it also brings the freedom to be unapologetically yourself. It’s a time to enjoy the pleasures of nostalgia, impart wisdom (solicited or not), and wear those socks with sandals with pride. After all, age is just a number, but style is eternal.

