Do You Read The Fine Print In The Medical “Consent To Treat” You Sign?

The “I Agree” We Are Forced Into At Every Healthcare Appointment

Heather S. Wargo
The Bad Influence


Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

It’s interesting to consider how few people know what exactly is in the consent form(s) they are asked to sign when they roll into any medical clinic, hospital, laboratory, or the like for an appointment.

Do you know? Have you asked?

What I have found even more unique? The professional who is asked for clarification, at least in my personal experiences, has not been able to answer my inquiry right away.

Indeed, the person in each instance has had to rifle through office drawers and files in search for a paper copy of what the exact “consent to treat” is… the fine print.

In some cases, I have not been given any explanation or any printed explanation at all. I have been given websites, which in turn instruct me to ask the office personnel of my clinician for further information. Chasing a tail.

In all cases, it is made clear; even in the abridged, digital screen versions; that “any patient alterations to said consent will not change the permissions granted by the signature.”

In short; “go ahead and tell us we can’t, we will anyway.



Heather S. Wargo
The Bad Influence

Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.