Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools. Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Hold Them Accountable

And so, another day, another rant.

Louise Peacock
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2020


As I listen to and read the news, it strikes me more and more that our political leaders need to be held more accountable for their lack of action and for the misinformation that they spew at us on a regular basis.

I am going to concentrate on Canada, since this is where I live.

Very early on when we first got news of the Corona Virus occurring in China, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his chief Health official, Dr. Teresa Tam, were very quick to raise concerns about “discrimination” as soon as the question arose of stopping travel from China to Canada.

Other community and provincial leaders followed that lead.

The result: borders were not closed and travellers from China were allowed to enter Canada with no quarantine or other precautions required.

Teresa Tam kept on telling us that Canadians “ are at very low risk” and thus no particular precautions were being taken. This uninformed rhetoric continued right into February. (Coincidentally, Teresa Tam sits on the WHO board — no conflict of interest there!!!)

Justin Trudeau echoed Tams’ words.

So no real actions were taken to combat the spread of this virus, which had already entered Canada by way of travellers from China.

Add into this that everyone — including the U.S.A. — seemed very reluctant to upset China.

Add into this that the WHO appeared to be downplaying the virus, and were praising the Chinese. (The head WHO guy is not a doctor, and owes his WHO appointment to the Chinese.)

The WHO ignored an early warning email from Taiwan regarding the virus. (They are vigorously denying this at the present)

The Chinese censored and muzzled one of their own doctors who alerted officials to the virus in December. He later died (from the virus they say). Another one of their doctors who raised alarms initially was about the virus was also censored and has since disappeared…

Some foreign news outlets that had stories about what was taking place in China were muzzled by their own management. For fear of upsetting the Chinese. For fear of impacting their own businesses which rely on China.

Many are in denial about the disgusting wet markets in China, where the conditions are ideal for breeding disease. Most specifically the Chinese are in denial. They SAY they are outlawing these markets, but eye witness video and photos show otherwise.

Apparently no one is actually paying attention to how much misinformation our own governments are feeding us. (I keep reading about how ungrateful we are to criticize the lack of action by Trudeau. Yeah, right.)

Right now, thanks to lack of action in the present emergency and lack of learning from past pandemics, a lot of old people are dying in nursing homes. A lot of other people will die too.

  • Time to sit up and be proactive.
  • Take care of yourself and your family.
  • Take protective measures as much as possible.
  • Limit your interaction with others that are not immediate family.
  • Take “information” you hear from the political leaders with a very big grain of salt.
  • Sift through for a kernel of real information.
  • Remember the lessons from past pandemics. Starting with 1918. If you don’t know — read about it.



Louise Peacock
The Bad Influence

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.