The fuckwittery of humans continues.

Homeless People Aren’t Bums, And They Deserve Your Respect

It could be you soon enough Motherfucker

Frank T Bird
The Bad Influence
Published in
7 min readMay 19, 2022


Image: Wiki

There are 2.3 billion homes on earth.

That’s enough for every three earthlings to share a roof over their head, so don’t give me any of your logistical shit before we even get going, okay? And hey, look, I could go into detail ranting about the statistics on homelessness. But there is no need. Read this if you wish instead.

The point is that homelessness is another one of these issues sustained by capitalism. People tell me that the problem of homelessness does not have a solution. They are full of shit. You give someone a home, and they are no longer homeless.

It’s these issues of ownership and profit that complicate the matter.

And sure, I hear you idiots chanting,

But they will wreck the place. These people are the dregs of society

You are probably the same idiots who say that homeless people are bums or that you shouldn’t give them money because, god forbid, they might spend it on alcohol to warm their frozen bodies.

The true dregs of society are the stooge politicians who sell out their tax-paying citizens in the name of career progression to the heads of corporations whose profits rely on people being sick or the proliferation of war or the arresting and imprisonment of black people. But I digress.

It’s a fucking disgrace that we have a homeless problem at all.

The very fact that we believe there is a hierarchy where some people deserve a home, and some don’t shows how crude we are as a society. We sit here with our puny bodies hunched over our laptops in a self-imposed bubble of pride about the achievements of human beings.

Oh, you mean nuclear weapons? Global warming? Worldwide disease and hunger? Space junk? Factory farms? The prison-industrial complex? The military-industrial complex?

But Frank, what about the hadron collider?

Fuck you, okay.

The 4.75 billion dollar Hadron collider. Whoopee fucking doo. (Wiki)

This notion of hard work for reward is a modern concept, and our capitalist society drives it into us as the central mantra of our existence.

You say that people who have homes have worked hard for them. You could be right or wrong about this, but it’s as relevant as the blue fluff that I found in my anal crack on Christmas day 2019.

We watch struggle porn like Gary Vee, and the rest spruik this idea that life has to be one misery after another if we want to ‘succeed’ whatever that means. In a way, they are correct, but not because it’s a primordial fact of life. They are right because we have made it that way. The whole system is set up on greed and power.

If there were no such thing as money and we all worked together, we could live for a thousand years. We could make the finest champagne from thin air. We could cure any disease. We could god damn time travel.

Everybody could live a life of luxury.

But then, if everyone was comfortable there would be no place for power would there? We can’t have that, obviously.

Gary Vee: Inventor of the ‘sandpaper wank’ and other self-development methods (Wiki)

Self-interest is the primary obstacle to human evolution.

If we could just work together as a species, this world could be a utopia, but we can’t. We invent these imaginary structures like ‘the economy, and everyone is just meant to play along like we are dumb children on a windy playground. And somehow, we have adopted the idea that these systems are natural, that the economy is a self-governing ecosystem like a lake or a rainforest. It’s a fucking delusion. Lies, lies, and more lies. We eat them up like shit-covered Scottish shortbreads, and then we wonder why the fuck we have horrendous reflux and arsehole breath down the track.

Our gullible nature is symbolised by our relationship with homeless people.

We view them with a sense of pity because we are trained to see them that way. Or, we believe they got there through some fault of their own or that they are just tricking us into giving them our hard-earned cash without working for it. Or, we regard them as drug addicts, which makes us hesitant to provide them with money. ‘They will just spend it on alcohol’, we say before going home and drinking a bottle of 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon with the fire cranked up full and the latest Sony curved screen double plasma jack in the box fuckface ninety-inch bollock television spewing forth the latest episode of whatever cuntfest reality show we are currently watching.

We have been tricked into a limited definition of work

People have worked since the beginning of time. Conservative people I know tell me I shouldn’t bag out capitalism because I wear clothes and eat food. These morons think any kind of trade is capitalism. It isn’t. Trade has always existed. Capitalism is a recent development that attributes value to money rather than goods.

Business is complex. You wouldn’t understand. (Wiki)

Sitting on the pavement begging for money is hard work, and it is carried out through necessity.

Ask yourself if you would rather be doing something else, and if the answer is yes, then it is work. Do you think a street beggar is living their dream, or do you think they would rather be somewhere else? Do you believe they are choosing to sit on the cold pavement outside the supermarket, humiliating themselves by asking strangers for money?

Who cares if it doesn’t involve the payroll department of some dumb fucking imaginary company. And if it is about contributing to society, we can surely rule out a good portion of so-called workers.

Are you a Forex trader? Do you make money scalping the ballhairs off the Yen between midnight and two am? Or, are you one of those dick lickers off Dragon’s Den who look down on young entrepreneurs saying things like ‘Where the hell did you get that valuation from?’ as if a valuation is a real thing and like they are not a stinking bag of shit and blood and pus breathing hot air into imaginary language like the rest of us.

But shouldn’t homeless people at least provide a service for the money like a busker?

Look, maybe they can juggle some balls or twerk while clapping two coconut shells together or give rustic head massages or specialty ‘Lurpak’ hand jobs.

As long as they perform somehow, they contribute to society, right? Why don’t we put them all in fucking zoos and dress them up and make them fuck each other for our pleasure?

Anyway, in these days of cashlessness, it must be damn hard to be a homeless person saying please fucking help me cos I'm on the edge of my shit when cash is becoming a rare commodity. Somebody needs to invent an app where each homeless person gets a number they display, and they access the money through an app. It wouldn’t be that hard. Maybe it already exists. Then, the lack of cash doesn’t become another excuse for modern people not to give five bucks because they can’t afford it even though they spend a hundred and twenty dollars a month on television channels.

This is where we live, you idiots (Wiki)

But it’s not even about money. It’s more about respect.

As consumers, we are the biggest fucking suckers on this planet. Politicians and corporations tell us that we need to contribute to society, and we repeat it like obedient parrots. Then when we work in our jobs, we see ourselves as some self-sustaining, generously contributing miracle. But suppose there ever comes a time when we have to build our own houses, grow our own food, make our own clothes, generate our own power, generate our own heat, mine the elements to build our own computers and phones and televisions and collect our own water and make our own medicine and do our own research and build our own furniture and kitchen appliances and build our own cars and planes or walk everywhere or make our own entertainment or provide our own security.

In that case, we might realise that we are all motherfucking bums in one way or another.

We might spend our days in meetings discussing how the bank we work for can fuck another fifty bucks in fees out of young families, how our supermarket bosses can cut off a farmer’s nutsack to get another ten cents off broccoli, or how our pharmaceutical bosses can lobby the government to —

You know. We’re all fucking and getting fucked at some stage. Homeless people are no different. They are just colder than you. So have some motherfucking respect and, more importantly, some god damn compassion because we are all equal humans on this schizophrenic planet, and one day you might be the one with a cold arsehole asking them for a fiver so you can buy a bottle of cheap grog to warm you up.

Haven’t you seen Trading Places?

