How I Found out That I Have a Knife Fetish

When you know you have nothing to be scared of, fear can be an aphrodisiac

Ena Dahl
The Bad Influence
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2020


I realized this the first time I ‘played’ with a raging sadist from the BDSM scene; he was an ex-military interrogator working as a prison engineer.

I know what you’re thinking; “what was she thinking?”. Truth is, I wasn’t, really.

Instead, I was driven by intuition and instinct; running on pure adrenaline, months after breaking out of an abusive relationship and plunging, headfirst, into my own personal sexual revolution.

I was on fire!

Infamous in the scene, I’d seen the guy in action, once, at my first kink party: Dressed in a classy suit and fingerless gloves, with a full beard and black hair in a bun, he put on quite the show. Swinging the bullwhip with such precision, it looked like he’d been born with the thing in his hand; the naked woman he was beating, attached by cuffs to the ceiling, was screaming in what sounded like a mix of anguish and ecstasy.

I’d never seen anything like it. I was in awe. And, the first thing I thought was:

—Where do I sign up?

A few weeks later I received a DM from him that said something along the lines of:



Ena Dahl
The Bad Influence

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.