I Don’t Care What You Say

I’m Gonna Live My Life My Way

Melissa R. Mendelson
The Bad Influence
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2021


Marathon Man Movie 1976 — “Is It Safe?”

Our political pals can hold our hand

and wave like jester across their owned land,

pat us on the shoulder,

and tell us that the nightmare is finally over.

Go live your life

while behind their backs, they hold the knife

to cut the strings that bind our net,

let us fall free and just forget.

Forget that we must

for in politicians we trust

that there is no viral impact today,

so live your life in the economic way

because that is all they care about, money,

pushing us worker bees to deliver their honey.

And if we’re stung with a Covid strain,

we will be one more lost name.

No one will remember that we were here.

We were too anxious to live instead of fear,

but I’m not gonna listen to what they say.

I am going to survive by living my way.

Thank You for reading my writing. Please, keep in touch, following me here and on Twitter.

