I Got F**ked By A Ukrainian for Breakfast

Reuben Salsa
The Bad Influence
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2022


I got fucked by a Ukrainian for breakfast. Adobe Stock

My gorgeous baby daughter said to me yesterday;

“Daddy. Did you know, when you leave the car, the music continues to play? People continue to listen even when the car is off? It can still be heard?”

Today I had a meeting at my office. I work full-time in the agricultural industry. We help feed New Zealand. It wasn’t a joyful meeting. It contained few positives. The GM painted the worse case scenarios.

He talked about Russia and its history of warfare. They fight to the bitter end and rarely give up. Even when their people are starving, they’ll still continue. Even when their troops face harsh winters, they’ll still continue. Year after fucking year. What’s a decade to the elite when you’re living comfortably feeding your face with decadent illegal imports.

Ukraine combined with Russia produces 25% of the world’s wheat. That’s a huge chunk of food right there. What’s going to happen when that much food is gone? And what of the oil and gas? What of the millions of refugees now flooding borders? All this displacement. All this upheaval. Maybe Putin was scared. Maybe he realized that control of all those rich resources would be a huge bargaining chip for the future. Maybe he took one fucking look at the world burning and decided to act now before it was too late.

