I Love Delaying Until Tomorrow — Gives Me Something To Look Forward To

Fifty Word Challenge #51: Procrastination

Caroline de Braganza
The Bad Influence
Published in
1 min readAug 27, 2021


You can’t waste something that doesn’t exist! (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Folks cry I get nothing done (talkin’ ‘bout procrastination)
Just because I fart around (talkin’ ‘bout procrastination)
Things I do go awful slow (talkin’ ‘bout procrastination)
At least I try, I’m getting old (talkin’ ‘bout procrastination)

Love hesitation
Work short duration
Today vacation
With no frustration
My fav’rite sensation


The morning after I discovered Melissa R. Mendelson’s prompt, the song My Generation by The Who (don’t ask if you’re not a Baby Boomer) whirled around my head. As it rhymes with procrastination, I spent time (an alien concept) writing a parody.

I’ve been busy having fun — that’s the best way to get things done. I could have carried on parodying the entire song but would have exceeded the word limit, so did the first verse and chorus only.

Maybe I’ll carry on later instead of working on my draft about that daft governor of…



Caroline de Braganza
The Bad Influence

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.