If You Rubbed the Magic Lantern and Wished all Viruses To Die
If all viruses suddenly disappeared, the world would be a wonderful place for about a day and a half, and then we’d all die. I’m hoping you already know this, but I fear that you don’t.
The colorful Covid-19 particles you see on websites is actually a fake created by industrial artists at the request of the U.S. CDC. They wanted to scare the people.
They succeeded.
But let me repeat, and the New York Times said the same thing: Those sharp and colorful portraits of Covid-19 are fakes created by the U.S. government.
As for dying after a day and a half:
“If all viruses suddenly disappeared, the world would be a wonderful place for about a day and a half, and then we’d all die — that’s the bottom line,” says Tony Goldberg, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “All the essential things they do in the world far outweigh the bad things.” Source: Tony Goldberg. Overall Source.
Sorry folks, but this has been the way of the world for millions of years. The viruses have never quite managed to kill off the human race. They’ve come close, but only have come really really close a couple of times, ever. Usually, the human race reaches a sort of truce with the viruses, and with time we come to depend on the same viruses that once tried to kill us but now give us benefits — like prevention of other diseases.
It’s a complicated ecological mess and it’s far beyond the ken of men to figure out. Best we accept this fate and find something else worth worrying about.
Global warming and extreme weather. Worry about that. Or worry about mass starvation. See, those are good and horrible things already happening and perfect for you worriers.
As for me, I’m going to worry about . . . well I’ll be damned. Come to think of it, I don’t worry about much of anything. Huh.
Well, I guess I could worry about why I don’t worry… right?
I’ll think about that and get back to you.
Maybe I am teasing you all. I get tired of hearing how blah blah blah affects you. Can’t you at minimum figure out the general realm of problems that you have? Because I’ll tell you: the value of Bitcoin twelve months from now is an irrelevancy. I hope you can see that.
Gas car or electric? Again, irrelevant. They’re roughly equivalent in all the ways that matter. But it’s even cheaper if you don’t own a car. I sure don’t, but the taxi costs me a whole $2.50 to go downtown or return home. Wow!
Live a frugal, low-impact existence. Grow your own food. Does the idea scare you? Does it hint at the end of your extractive, capitalistic lifestyle? I mean, it does, but is that a bad thing? Gonna be up to you, really. I’ve found that there’s essentially no paperwork needed when you live a peaceful, primal sort of life. I do my useful survival stuff every day — it requires an hour or two per day. The other 22 hours in a day are free time for walks or gardening or whatever. Reading and writing!
Are you afraid that you might have to live like a native, maybe in a place like where I’m living? I live in a small village near Las Tablas, Los Santos, Panamá. The Panamanians here dress and behave like U.S. Americans. There’s a giant McDonalds here in town, wrappers and paper cups litter the streets — the people are growing fat.
They are constantly being bombarded by ads on their smartphones, which are the main link with the internet in this area. All in all, they’re just like Americans except that they only speak Spanish. I identify with the ultra-poor people here. You can survive here ultra-poor, though it does require effort (and occasional tactful begging).
All this American attitude has spread to every corner of the world, except for many Islamic states. I plan on learning more about the Islamic states and the people. I’ve done that in the past, and have only fond memories of the experiences. Though they are truly different sorts of people, that’s for sure. Different from Americans or Panamanians. But they know what they want or don’t want, and what they like or don’t like.
Dear readers. We’ve left 2021 and entered 2022. ‘21 was an ugly year. Let’s try to be mindful and make changes in our lives in the coming years. All the existential threat stuff is still there, but it’s time to admit that someday you’ll die even in a perfect world, so let go of that too. Accept this inevitable reality.
Take care. Live as simply as possible. Don’t seek wealth. Connect with people.
… Fred