In A World That Smells Like Shit, You’re To Blame

And I can tell you why.

Nikos V
The Bad Influence
4 min readAug 7, 2020


Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

I deeply understand your reasons behind your actions.

Tom had this dream of becoming a musician. Eventually, he ended up working his ass off in his boss’ favor — a job that sucks every dram of creativity that lay within him.

Jennifer grew up with the vision of becoming an actor, but the only thing she managed to act out successfully was her orgasm.

Marie wanted to become a lawyer, but now she’s struggling to defend herself on everyday accusations from her friends and colleagues. She feels shy about demanding a salary increase at her job.

Can you guess where these situations have led?

Yes, you guessed right. HATE.

In our world, everybody (okay, there are exceptions) is looking at each other trying to find flaws. And everybody is sure that they’ll find many of them. If your brain is functioning based on common sense, finding flaws is unsurprising. This function, though, in the majority of humans, can be really hard to find.

You think you are the best human edition that ever will be.

Oops, that makes us two…

Everybody is searching for these imperfections…

Donald is still living in his parents’ house!!! HAHAHA!!”

Dorothy is driving a funny car!!HAHAHA!!”

Jim has a curled nose!!!HAHAHA!!”

Amanda got pregnant and Sam will marry her!! HAHAHA!!”

Tiffany doesn’t have boobs and she has grown a mustache!! HAHAHA!!”

This bidirectional hate is the only thing that makes you feel whole.

“Ι, clever. You, idiot!”

“I, righteous. You, immoral!”

I, beautiful. You, ugly!”

I, brutal. You, gay!”

Reasons Behind It

There’s always a reason why people hate each other whether it’s explicit (they know it) or implicit (they don’t know it).

I’m not a psychologist or a soul guru, but I will try to analyze the reasons behind hate, based on common sense and personal experience.

1. Fear and It’s Manifestations

We are insecure about something the other person has, that want or we feel we deserve, therefore that jealousy or insecurity comes out in the form of anger/hate. We don’t hate people, we hate the emotions and fears they arise within us and project these fears/emotions onto them. To avoid the pain of dealing with our own emotions, we are ending up hating them.

2. Mutually Conflicting Values

Let’s elaborate on this using an example.

I feel sympathy for beggars. I usually find myself giving money or food to them.

A classmate that I used to hang out with, Nick, didn’t like my habit. Because, according to his values, giving money to beggars encourages them to beg more, so in his book — if the giving stopped, the begging could too.

On the other hand, my values say that if I can prevent the suffering of a person at least for a day by donating to him, I will go for it.

Who’s right here? No one. We just have different perspectives/values in the same situation. However, his lack of tolerance for other people’s values makes him dislike people.

3. Subconscious Biases

We all group with certain biases, beliefs as children, and carry these beliefs into adulthood. When beliefs or biases that are hostile towards people with certain behavior, ethnicity, or physiological characteristics, are triggered, they make us dislike or hate the person, even if we don’t completely understand why we hate them.

Divide And Conquer

There are times that everybody is frustrated with authorities, fake news, corrupted, and dehumanized politicians.

But, have you ever wondered how this frustration is feeding itself and why dehumanized politicians keep getting elected?
I‘ll tell you. It’s because they are the reflection of our world.
How can the leader of the herd be different from the herd’s elements? It can’t.

How could his behavior be different in a society where everybody is behaving the same way, like idiots?

Some may argue that this behavior is handed down from the media and politicians to us.
But if you deeply think about this argument, it belongs to the family of eternal questions such as “Which came first, the chicken or the egg”?

So, as regards this section’s title, the leaders of our world can apply this technique with no sweat. We are ready to embrace it. We have already embraced it in our lives.
That’s the way we live, and responsibility lies within us.

Work With Yourself


What has to happen in your life to make you see yourself in others?

What has to be done to stop thinking about the “I”, and think about the “We”?

I think that this is an internal and slow process… In order to help you begin this process within you, I give you a statement to start:

In a world that smells like shit, maybe you shit yourself.

Disclaimer :

The persons mentioned in the article are not based on real people.
No identification with actual persons (living or deceased) is intended or should be inferred.

