Book Excerpt

Is Live Music an Addiction?

Why we do it

James Kennedy
The Bad Influence
Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2021


Me, onstage in Switzerland with Kyshera

**This is an edited excerpt from the chapter ‘Why Do We Do It’ from my book ‘Noise Damage : My life as a Rock’n’Roll Underdog’**

There is absolutely nothing that compares to the rush of performing live.
Those who have done it will know what I mean. For those who haven’t, it’s
impossible to faithfully describe it, but I’ll try.
Imagine if you will:

The subtle anticipation begins days before the gig itself, always at the
back of your mind that ‘it’ is coming. The preparations have been made,
rehearsals done, guitars re-strung, equipment packed, sick days blagged,
directions and load-in times sorted, and mates nagged to come. When the
fateful day arrives, the entire day revolves around the gig. After meeting up
at someone’s house (almost always the drummer’s, for reasons still
unknown to science) to cram a truckload of heavy equipment into the back
of someone’s hatchback, the road trip begins. Side note: despite the popular
misconception that musicians are a bunch of work-shy hippies, most of a
musician’s time is spent lugging, lifting, and packing heavy equipment. And
we’re experts at packing — if you want to know how to get the backline of
Wembley Stadium into the back of a Fiat Punto, ask a musician…



James Kennedy
The Bad Influence

Welsh. Maker of noise. Scribbler of words. New album and book out now!