Is Profit A Good Enough Reason For Deforestation?

Is it really?

Radhika Tara Kali
The Bad Influence
2 min readOct 7, 2019


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

With all the trees being cut down or burnt by the government, private organizations, and business moguls it makes me wonder whether deforestation is really as ‘necessary’ for profits.

On the one hand, trees provide timber, pulp, resins, and other profitable materials.

On the other hand, as the population of the world grows, industries grow at exponential rates (cuz people want money), the air gets chock full of pollutants, and trees become vital for the survival of the planet.

The forests that remain right now are equivalent to the oxygen tanks divers use when they go diving. Without them, they’re dead.

Okay. Not relatable.

Let’s try again.

Cutting gown forests for economic growth is like cutting yourself open, fishing out your kidneys and selling them on the black market for some quick cash.

Sure it can get you that car you really wanted. But how you gonna enjoy those smooth curves in that sweet ride when you’re dead?

Ghosts can’t drive, ya know.

So what should you do?

Don’t sell your kidneys on the black market in the first place.

Yeah, you’re gonna have to buy a MetroCard/Oyster/Opal or the equivalent again and will probably spend your long commutes lamenting public transport’s shortcomings-and there is an infinite amount of those-but guess what? You’re alive to lament. You’re not lying dead in a pool of your own blood in your bougie car on the Autobahn or some such.

So you don’t have a custom made Burberry coat and that fancy ice on your bod. But at least your brains are not leaking out of your ears.

At least you’re alive and well.

Can’t say the same for Earth though.

Sure, she’s alive.

But well?


The poor girl is about to choke to death.





Radhika Tara Kali
The Bad Influence

Bisexual. Polyamorous. Cis-woman. Also, I’m Slytherclaw.