Jack Reacher is a Fictional Character

Regardless, I’m another Jack Reacher in the real world

Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence
3 min readOct 4, 2021


Image by Patou Ricard from Pixabay

What does it take? It takes an indifference to your own mortality. And it takes advantage of other peoples’ fear of dying. Which I find absurd because historically there’s a 100% chance of dying eventually.

I took advantage of that timeworn tradition today. I needed aspirin — my body was crying out in pain from past injuries. Aside from all the construction injuries, from hauling thousands of pounds or kilos of materials and installing them, and from motorcycle road racing crashes and encounters with glaciers or sand dunes…

I hurt from old age. I hope to die soon.

Whaattt… ?

You don’t like to hear that kind of talk? Well, get used to it. You’ll be saying the same someday, or you’ll be saying and thinking nothing for the remainder of this universes’ time.

Well, for you Covid-fearing folk — I’m talking about your remaining days. I mean, did you think this every day, very common sort of coronavirus was unique? Do you not know that a good percentage of your very DNA came from viruses and that it’s generally beneficial?

No, you’ve been suckered by governments and corporations that think they gain power through your fear. So they amplify the fear, and honestly . . . they win, you lose.

Whaaattt? You don’t want to hear this? Fine. Put away your fucking cellphone. Throw it into a volcano or at least a deep mudpuddle. I’m serious.

Sure, I have a phone. But being deaf and nearly blind, I use it to document the truths I see. I never answer if it rings. Does it even ring? I have no idea.

In truth, you can’t live in this world without a phone. But I gimmick that truth and manage to conform without actually conforming.

But that would be a wholly separate article — so I’ll leave it to your imagination. Not that many of you have an imagination, but . . . where there’s hope…

— — — — — — —

Why am I a Jack Reacher? It’s pretty simple really. I plan on dying, but until then I plan on killing or severely damaging my opponents. I mean, is there a plan B? If so, I don’t hold to that plan.

What do you need to survive? In truth, you need a place to sleep safely and some food every week or month. Fresh water is also desirable.

What do governments and corporations seek to make impossible? Well, try to sleep in random places. You won’t have much success. Look for fresh and pure water. Well, you’ll be needing money. For H2O! How absurd!

If you really need fresh water, eat some lentils or rice. Your body will make water from metabolizing these starches. That’s a pure truth. In fact, you’ll want to add salt to the rice or beans, and that has to do with metabolites. You sweat salt, so you need to eat salt.

I know — you don’t know this stuff. And I know, when I look at all the obese people everywhere, that mostly nobody seems to know anything about metabolism. It’s an American fault that has spread worldwide.

Operation Just Because.

Because you’ll buy it.

As for me being Jack Reacher:

I don’t experience fear. Instead, I react. One day my reaction will be fatal to me. So . . . I expected to live forever? Who could honestly make that claim? It wouldn’t be me…

… Thanks for reading.
Fred Ermlich



Fred Ermlich
The Bad Influence

Living in rural Panamá — non-extractive, non-capitalistic. Expat USA. Scientist, writer, researcher, teacher. STEM mentor +languages. Gargoylplex@protonmail.com