Jordan Peterson Is Mad Again, You Guys!

Do you know who I am?

Gaby Rogut
The Bad Influence


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Uh-oh! We did it again. We got Jordan Peterson mad. So mad, you guys!

Turns out, poor JP got suspended from Twitter because he deadnamed Elliot Page. Apparently, this is of the utmost importance for JP. In fact, it is pretty much a life-and-death situation at this point.

He needs us to know how right he is!

So, JP, here’s the thing: you fucked up. You decided the hill you want to die on — your words, not mine — is how you think Elliot Page should handle his identity. His own identity.

The last time JP got mad, I wrote an article about his stupid belief that women need to conform to his aesthetic standards, and I made a ton of money out of it. So this is a win-win for me: I get to mock an entitled jerk and then get enough cash to get my ass to a Mexican beach and relax for a few days. Thanks, JP!

Do you know who I am?

The thing with JP is that he fucks around and then feigns to be surprised when he gets to find out. He whines about having to face the consequences due to the shit that comes out of his mouth.


He still has his colossal platform. He still has his “fans.” His Twitter account wasn’t removed; it was merely…



Gaby Rogut
The Bad Influence

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!