Ken and Karen Save Their McMansion

Mark and Patricia McCloskey stop protesters with guns

Reuben Salsa
The Bad Influence


Image taken from Twitter

Did anyone else find this image disturbing? Privilege white folks armed and pointing their automatics at a crowd of protesters. Dubbed Ken and Karen, the twosome waved their firearms at the crowd and shouted for them to move on.

Were they expecting trouble? Were they troubled to see a mass of people in their gated community? Did they just believe they had every right to threaten people with guns?

What’s going on here? These two are lawyers. They’re intelligent people. They have reason. They defend victims of police brutality. What happened to cause them a meltdown?

The only reason that could possibly explain any of this, was they were scared.

This is what The Age of Trump has done to America. When you continuously dog-whistle some unseen threat, you heighten the senses. When you portray the media as the enemy and play yourself as a victim, this is the result. Armed citizens prepared to defend their home.

Ken and Karen are scared. They’re worried about their property. They’re concerned their safe haven of white polish will be messed up by the angry mob of evil protesters. They’ve watched their friends being victimised and being called racist. They’ve had to watch Fox…

